July 1997 Space Icon Collection Introduction/Dedication: As a kid I spent a lot of time in planetariums, I mean A LOT. I loved space and the possibilities of one day exploring space and our solar system. I remember hearing about the Pioneer and Voyager missions to explore some of the outer planets, in fact I even did some school reports on them. Even though I never ended up becoming an astronaut, I still like to find nice dark fields and stare up at the sky. I share a passion for the universe that many others have dedicated their lives and careers to. As I write this, there are some very talented individuals at the Jet Propulsion Lab steering a little robotic rover around the surface of Mars... of Mars! This icon set is dedicated to all the people at NASA, JPL and particularly the Johnson Space Center who have been in a bitter fight to keep their beloved Macs. These little pictures are to say thank-you for doing everything I always wanted but couldn't because I hated math! You all have very good reason to be proud of your accomplishments and I for one applaud you, bravo! The enclosed folder contains 62 hand-drawn Space Icons. The Space Icon collection provides students, educators and people with a love for space, a way to put part of the solar system on their desktops. Every planet in the solar system as well as most of the major satellites are represented. In addition, many of NASA's space vehicles including Voyager, Pioneer, and the latest entry, the Sojourner Rover have a place in the collection. If you have an affinity for space, an interest in the planets or NASA then Space Icons are for you. Legality: The enclosed icons are copyright©1998 The Iconfactory. The icons are original artwork from the author and can be used free of charge by any individual person without a licensing fee. These icons can only be distributed as freeware. If you choose to redistribute Space Icons, you may not charge fees or request compensation OF ANY KIND and the read-me file must accompany the set at all times. By downloading this file you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. Although a shareware fee is not required to make use of these files, contributions are encouraged and can be sent to: The Iconfactory c/o Gedeon Maheux 1 Moss Cove Ct. Greensboro, NC 27407 How To make Use of the Space Collection as Mac Icons: 1. You need system 7 or higher. 2. Do a "Get Info" (File menu) on the original Space icon file that you want to use. 3. Click on the icon in the window; choose "Copy" (Edit menu). 4. Close the window, then "Get Info" on destination file/disk. 5. Click on the icon, choose "Paste" (Edit menu). 6. Don't forget to e-mail us and let us know what you think! Contact The Author: Gedeon Maheux - gedeonM@aol.com The Iconfactory - webmaster@iconfactory.com More Stuff for your Mac: For the ultimate collection of kick butt icons for the Macintosh, we've created a place called The Iconfactory. The Iconfactory has quickly established itself as the premiere web page for Macintosh icons. If your tired of looking for quality icons for your Mac, but only finding junk, then The Iconfactory is for you! We would love to have you add The Iconfactory to your list of bookmarks. The URL is: http://www.iconfactory.com If desktop patterns are more your cup of tea, then you'll want to visit The DeskStop: 3D Desktop Patterns for your Mac. Mindy Weaver & Gedeon Maheux have started the site as a one-stop source for cool, dimensional textures for use on the web, with 3D modeling software or just on your Mac's desktop. Drop by The DeskStop today at: http://members.aol.com/deskstop/index.html Thanks: It may sound kind of cheesy, but big thanks go out to the late Carl Sagan. Cosmos was one of my favorite TV shows as a kid and it only served to feed my hunger for knowledge about space. Sagan WAS a role model for many of us "nerd" kids and I'm glad I was able to appreciate at least some of what he tried to teach us about the universe and our place in it.